PUBLICATION Energy Conversion & Storage Materials Lab.


Performance Degradation and Microstructure Changes in Freeze-Thaw Cycling for PEMFC MEAs with Various Initial Microstructures
J.H. Jang, S.Y. Lee, H.-J. Kim, E.A. Cho, D. Henkensmier, K.-S. Lee, M.K. Cho, I.-C. Hwang, T.-H. Lim
220th ECS Meeting
Oct 9-14, 2011

J.H. Jang, S.Y. Lee, H.-J. Kim, E.A. Cho, D. Henkensmier, K.-S. Lee, M.K. Cho, I.-C. Hwang, T.-H. Lim, "Performance Degradation and Microstructure Changes in Freeze-Thaw Cycling for PEMFC MEAs with Various Initial Microstructures", 220th ECS Meeting, Oct 9-14, 2011, Boston.